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FACTS 2025

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I'll be attending FACTS Ghent 2025 in a few months! Can't wait!

I’m really happy to be able to visit Belgium for the second time in my life! The first time I wasn’t able to visit Ghent, so this is the perfect opportunity to take a look at this beautiful city and, most importantly, to meet and interact with all the comic fans in Belgium!

And as usual, I’ll be opening a few pre-show commissions for you to pick up at the show! Also, I will be drawing at the show, but I don’t know how many people will come to the booth, so to make sure everyone has his drawing, maybe they will be less complex at the show, so if you want your commission for sure, please reserve it by email, you have all the info HERE. Otherwise and again, you can ask me for a commission right there at the show! I’ll attend the two days!

Also other things you might be interested in! I’ll bring some original art folders with A4 and A3 original art with busts, full body and cover quality illustrations, published pages and covers, and some original art surprises for all budgets!

More stuff! I’m going to bring some color prints with me, and if you’re interested in any of them, you can ask me, or even more interesting, you can buy something from my website and I’ll bring it to FACTS for free, which is interesting for the artbook vol. 2, because I won’t bring it unless it’s sold through my website. If you’re interested in one of them, just set the option to “Pick up at shows” and I’ll bring it to the show and you can pick it up there for free.

Finally, I’ll be signing comics for the two days, so come by with your comics and say hi, I’ll be happy to sign them and chat with you!

I can’t wait to meet you all!

For more information or any questions, please reach me at

See you in April!


Profesionales 3

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¡Es un placer anunciar mi participación en Los Profesionales 3 junto a todos estos increíbles artistas!

Este sábado 9 de Noviembre en Generación X (Calle de la Puebla, 15 – Madrid) tendré una charla o mesa redonda junto al tremendo artista y amigo Alberto Alburquerque. En esta hablaremos sobre cómo es trabajar en el mercado independiente americano y expondremos ejemplos de nuestros antiguos trabajos para estos.

Posteriormente a las 20:30 en Omega Center (Calle de la Estrella, 20 – Madrid) habrá una sesión de firmas conjunta donde podréis llevar mis trabajos para que os los firme, además allí mismo llevaré unos cuantos cómics publicados por Marvel en edición inglesa para que podáis adquiridlos y podréis ver un par de carpetas con arte original y también unos de mis últimos prints.

También, recordarte que puedes comprar algún artículo de mi tienda online y clickar en la opción “recoger en un evento” (“Pick up at shows”) para que te lo lleve a la firma o a la charla sin ningún coste de envío, lo que es una opción bastante interesante para mi Artbook vol.2 ya que por el peso de estos libros (170 pgs.) no suelo llevarlos a los eventos.

Por último y si hay tiempo, podré hacer algún sketch/commission allí mismo, ¡por favor no dudes en preguntarme!

Para más información o alguna pregunta, por favor envíame un email a

¡Nos vemos este sábado!


17:30, Madrid. Charla en Generación X sobre trabajar en el mercado independiente americano junto a Alberto Alburquerque, moderada por David LaFuente.

20:30, Madrid. Firmas en Omega Center junto a otros artistas.

Verse Comics

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This past November 3rd I was in Verse Comics Tokyo and I just want to say thank you!

This was a last-minute arrangement signing session because I was traveling around Japan and couldn’t write a proper post here to announce it, but now that I’m more relaxed back home, I want to write a few lines about my experience there!

So just…wow! What a wonderful evening at Verse Comics in Tokyo! Probably one of the most charming and best receptions of my career! It makes my work feel appreciated and all the hours I put into each page make sense at these kinds of signings, so thanks so much to everyone who came out to say hi, it was a real pleasure to spend some time with the Japanese comic fans and meet all of you!

You know, traveling to Tokyo is not as easy as I would like it to be, but I will definitely try to come back to Japan in the future because it felt like home.

I can’t wait for another chance to come back to Tokyo and see you again!

Thanks to everyone who came up and to the Verse Comics team, they are great!


New York Comic Con 2024

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Hello there! It's time! It is time to come back to New York Comic Con!

I’m over the moon to be surrounded by all these amazing artists, editors, fans and friends again! It’s been six years since I first attended, and I’d love to see you all there again and catch up with you all!

And happy to open my commissions list for the show! I can’t accept many commissions at the show, so please reserve your commission by email, you have all  the info HERE. Otherwise, you can ask me for a commission right there on the show! I’ll attend the four days!

Also, on my booth there you will find a lot of original art (new and old!) signings comics and a few color prints. And just to remind you, you can buy something from my website and I’ll bring you to NYCC with no charge, which is interesting for the artbook vol. 2 because I won’t bring them unless they are sold through my website. If you’re interested in one of them, just set the option to “Pick up at shows” and I’ll bring it with me to the show and you can pick up it there with no shipping costs.

For more information or any questions, please reach me at

See you in October!
